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White Paper

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  • Last updated:2024-06-21
  • View count:2006


White Paper


Owing to the social structure transition, the universal of education, the high standards of living and the growing of expectations by people with each passing day, Hsinchu Detention Center has been trying harder and harder to offer greater convenience to the people, and then make the best of the service quality.

Guard Control Management, Sanitation Health, Administrative Affairs, Government

Ethics Affairs, Business Affairs, Vocational Trainings and Assistance Guidance Activities are the businesses in Taipei Detention Center. What below are the details about:

1. Guard Control Management: To execute the system of job responsibility,strengthen the security examination, educate the staff year in and year out, discuss the state of guard and control on the go and establish the varied rules.

2. Sanitation Health: To enhance the precautionary measures, cure the illness, test the urine of detainee, exam the HIV and venereal disease of inmates and superintend the problems of public hygiene.

3. Administrative Affairs: Constantly discuss and find out the problems of administrative affairs and then reform these problems. Besides, try to carry out the computerization of the administrative management and simplify the process of state papers handling.

4. Government Ethics Affairs: To prevent the graft in the center, execute the job for document secrets, safeguard and declare the center properties, verify and inspect the effects of business.

5. Business Affairs Vocational Trainings: Streamlining the machine operations, endeavor to cooperate with technical plants and make the inmates have proficiencies in a particular line in order to get a good job after exiting the center.

6. Assistance Guidance Activities: To assist and guide the inmate moralities, assess the dispositions and behaviors of inmates and hold activities for detainee in the center.

7. Civilian Services: Speedy up the counter operations, strengthen the service measures, fulfill all the applications and simplify the reception procedures.

Vis-à-vis Services

Properly handle the stating, pleading and petition cases.

1. A special will be assigned to accommodate with people who come to Hsinchu Detention Center to present petitions.

2. People could also present petitions by the pleading special line, and any case will be handled instantly except for the complicated one.

3. For any case that pleaded by mail would be answered through the written reply.

4. For all the applying cases that transacted by the public would be done immediately all the time, and for the cases that written in letters would be replied by mail.

5. Strengthen the reception service, for offering greater convenience to the people on purpose, the public could make an appointment of meeting through the way of telephone and network.

Convenient services for the Public

Main service for receiving families of detainees

1. Service for reception of families.

2. Service for receiving things or food sent by families.

3. Service for receiving money sent by families.

4. Service for consulting the public in person or on the phone.

5. Service for volunteers consulting the public in person in the reception room and fill in forms for illiterate person and help manage affairs for handicapped person.

6. Service for reception reservation on the phone.

Applications for all certification documents

1. Apply for in-the-custody/center certification.

2. Service for families to tale back things of detainees.

3. Service for receiving medicine sent by families.

4. Service for special meeting applied by families.

5. Service for tele-meeting applied by families.

6. Service for families visiting activities.

7. On the eve of Chinese New Year, Mother’s Day, Moon festival…, etc, we allow detainees to talk to families on the phone or meet in person for a much-needed reunion.



If you have any suggestion or opinion, please make contact with us, and we will reply you as soon as possible.

Address: NO.110,Yenping Rd.,Sec.1,Hsinchu City,Taiwan. 300192

Administrative Units:

Telephone Exchange: 886-3-5222083

The Reception Room: 886-3-5230729

Pleading Tel.: 886-3-5224658

E-Mail: scdmail@mail.moj.gov.tw





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