Location & traffic
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2024-06-18
- View count:1826
Address: #110, YenPing Rd., Sec. 1, Hsinchu City 300192
※By car:
1.By Chungshan Expressway->exit at Guangfu Road interchange->keep going toward downtown->keepgoing pass Dongguang crossroad and go to Dongda overpass->go down the overpass to Beida Road crossroad turn left to Beida Road->go straight to YenPing Road crossroad, the turn right.
2.By Second North Expressway->exit at Cyonglin interchange(North:turn left、South:turn right)->Fulin Road(toward Hsinchu)->to the Znd crossroad, turn left(there is a gas station)->pass Taojien stream bridge and turn right to The East-West Expressway->exit at Wuling Road interchange->turn left to Wuling overpass->go to Wuling Road->keep goung Wuling Road、Dongda Road crossroad->keep going(the road called Jhunguang Road)->go straight to YenPing Road crossroad->turn left YenPing Road.
※ By bus:
Take Hsinchu bus Number10、11、11甲、23 in frond of Hsinchu Train Station, drop off at Hsinchu prison.